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Reminds me of a new prep chef from back in the day. Life is pain. : KitchenConfidential
Main Post: Reminds me of a new prep chef from back in the day. Life is pain. : KitchenConfidential
Pros and cons (physical and emotional) of long-term PrEP use?
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Happy Sunday!
I go back and forth (and back and forth) between deciding to use PrEP. I am concerned about the long-term physical side-effects, but I also see its pros/cons.
I am just trying to get a sense of how people feel about their decision to be on PrEP for 5+ years....
- Perhaps it's opened up whole new doors to your sexuality? Maybe this has led to a partner? Or perhaps this has made you feel regretful about too many hookups and getting other STD's?
- Perhaps you have experienced physical side effects? I anecdotally do know of a few blokes who have been near kidney failure. Or perhaps even after 5 years (or more) it's been a breeze and it's been worth it?
Like many men, I am very horny, but I also have always tried to channel that energy into one partner, work, etc. I would say only 30% of my previous hookups have been really fulfilling, but perhaps I overthink things... ;)
Our health is such a treasure, but it is also not worth it to live in fear. So...I'm curious to just hear about people's feelings about being on PrEP now that enough time has passed to evaluate the emotional and physical pros and cons of such a game-changing therapy.
Thanks in advance to all who share, respond to help me, our community.
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As someone who started Prep since college and been taking it for nearly 5 years continuously, I have yet to notice any heath issues related to Prep.
As requirement for taking prep, I have to get tested for STIs, HIV, kidney and liver function every 3 months. Honestly even without requiring to, I would do it anyway cause it’s also a safe sex practice. I heard some people had bad side effects with prep but it seems to be very rare.
For sex, I do feel a bit more confident with doing riskier sex, but ultimately the blame is on me if I caught anything. Honestly do take Prep, it protects you and people in our community.
What is "PrEP"?
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In S2E2 of Game Changer 'Do I Hear $1?' aka the one where Grant drinks toilet water, just beforehand he says "whatever I'm on PrEP. [...] Everybody should get on PrEP."
I'm using that specific capitalisation because that's what the subtitles use (shout out to the amazing subtitle team!) and yes, my auto correct has been an absolute hassle writing this post lol.
Edited to add: I'm just gonna copy paste what I replied to someone who asked why I didn't just google this, because that's a very fair question.
Didn't think I'd have any luck searching. That said I was mistaken because I just tried with DuckDuckGo (the search engine I use) and turns out it recognises specific capitalisation, so yeah I admittedly could have just searched it.
That said, the discussion created here makes me me feel as though it was worth it.
Plus sometimes people just want to reach out and talk to others, y'know?
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It’s a HIV prevention drug!
Starting PrEP today - any tips?
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I am picking up PrEP for the first time later today, and although I'm sure I'll get advice at the pharmacy I am curious about others' experiences here. I have a potential hookup on next Wed evening, so I was thinking of doing the blended method with starting with 2 pills today and then staying on 1 pill a day. I'm thinking of doing this because I have weekends off work, so if I get hit with some side effects I won't have work to worry about. I don't really know anything about PrEP other than my regular GP at a gay men's health clinic going through the rundown about daily, on demand, and blended methods. Is it as simple as me starting with 2 pills when I get home, or are there some tips or tricks I should be aware of?
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Food improves absorption. Don't miss doses. Get tested regularly. I used to (not on prep at the moment) find myself wondering "did I take my prep today?" often, so I always wrote the date and time on a log whenever I took it. I used to have a couple of pills in all of my bags, as sometimes I realised I had forgotten to take it that day when I wasn't at home anymore (usually at work).
Guys on PrEP - do you take daily or use the 211?
Main Post: Guys on PrEP - do you take daily or use the 211?
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i have sex like ever 3 months and ive been on daily prep since 2018. The peace of mind is worth it for me.
What are y’all prepping for?
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Honest question, as I see guys with 10 loaded 5.56 magazines, and maybe 3 spare socks!
Also, seems like no one is taking a little cooker or solar cells for cell phone recharging. I would even wonder if a takedown light weight 10/22 wouldn’t be better for most cases for pure survival.
So what’s the scenario you are prepping for?
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Honestly, I think people are not really preparing for a scenario, they are just doing something to prepare their own mind so they don't have to constantly worry. If that means you have to have 10 magazines to achieve that mental serenity, so be it. I'm not going to judge.
The only real surefire way to overcome a SHTF scenario is community and friendship, not the contents of a backpack.
Just curious but what are you prepping for? I know what I’m prepping for but all my buddy’s who do it all seem to have different reasons than me.
Main Post: Just curious but what are you prepping for? I know what I’m prepping for but all my buddy’s who do it all seem to have different reasons than me.
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Been hungry before. Didn't like it.